Allan Gerson Named Senior Fellow for International Organizations and Law

Allan Gerson Named Senior Fellow for International Organizations and Law

September 16, 1998 10:09 pm (EST)

News Releases

New York City, August 17, 1998: Allan Gerson, a noted international law expert, has been named as Senior Fellow for International Organizations and Law at the Council on Foreign Relations, Council President Leslie H. Gelb announced today. "Allan Gerson’s experience in government, academia, and private practice makes him the perfect combination of scholar and practitioner to bring our international organizations and law studies into the new millennium," Mr. Gelb said.

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Allan Gerson served as Counsel to Jeane Kirkpatrick in the years she headed the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, and later as Counsel to General Vernon Walters, her successor. He served as a Deputy Assistant Attorney General with responsibility for international and national security affairs under President Reagan. He was a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, Distinguished Professor of International Law and Transactions at George Mason University, and the executive director of the Morocco-US Council on Trade and Investment in Washington. He was also engaged in private law practice.

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A graduate of the New York University School of Law, he received a master’s degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Law Faculty. Dr. Gerson holds a doctorate in international law from Yale University.

Dr. Gerson’s books include: The Kirkpatrick Mission: Diplomacy Without Apology - America at the United Nations, 1981 to 1985; Lawyers’ Ethics: Contemporary Dilemmas; and Israel, the West Bank & International Law . He has published articles in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and other major newspapers, and in Commentary, The American Journal of International Law, The Harvard International Law Journal, and other professional publications.

Dr. Gerson will collaborate on certain projects with Ruth Wedgwood, Senior Fellow for International Organizations and Law in the Council’s Studies Department, which consists of approximately 60 scholars and researchers. The Fellows’ areas of expertise cover every geographic region and issues from national security to international economics.

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